
Showing posts from September, 2018

Tech Tuesdays - Tips for Our Patient Care Technicians

Happy Tuesday, Techs! The team at HPI hope you enjoyed the holiday weekend. With school right around the corner, the morning weather dives while traffic spikes. We want to make sure that you are making the most of your mornings, so we'll kick off our Hello, HPI entry on a Technician Tuesday to spice things up. HEALTHY HELENA'S TIPS FOR PATIENT CARE TECHNICIANS So we found that The Harris School  has a few locations and they're one of the easiest to research for advice when it comes to our PCTs. They have a very informative article, outlining a few great ideas to help adjustment and effective performance. Check them out and let us know what you think is the most important on their list! Harris School Blog - "6 Tips for Being a Good PCT" To make it a bit easier for reference, here are their six points: Carry a small notebook. Learn by observing & asking questions. Get organized with time-saving tips [ prepping before your duties or carrying ar...